Tuesday 22 September 2009

InStyle Magazine

  • Jeniffer's head is infront of the title: This makes her stand out and emphasises her importance over the title of the magazine.

  • She stands to the side with her hand on her hip: She is standing to the side because if she were to face the front, it would give off a much fiercer impression of her. We can also see her curvacious figure which is good for a fashion magazine- it is appealing to the audience.

  • It is a mid-shot: Shows her body.

  • The colour choice is red, white and black: There is a set colour scheme. Lopez is wearing a black and white dress and has red lipstick on. These are very bold, forceful and sophisticated colours. The text is white against a red background.

  • Her hair is tightly pulled back. She looks a little smug: This makes her look like a very sophisticated woman with lots of power and control.

Cosmopolitan Magazine:

  • Jennifers head is infront of the title: This shows her importance over the magazine title. It's as if the magazine is showing off or giving off the impression you do not even need to see the name of the magazine.

  • She is wearing a red and yellow dress: The colours of the dress (red and yellow), could be representing her firey attitude. Red is also seen as a loving, warm; sexy colour. The dress is strappy and low cut, this is to show skin so that the front cover will draw the audience in and make them want to buy Cosmopolitan. She looks Diva-ish.

  • She is facing directly to the front. Her mouth is slightly open: This makes her look confident; she connects better with the audience by directly facing the front. Her face has a 'sexy look' on it. It also helps to see the style of the dress better.

  • Her hair is flowy and wild: This adds to the sexy impression that she is implying. Her hair looks wild and free. Her hair brings out the style of the dress more.

  • She is standing directly infront of the camera with her hands on her thigh: The way she is positioned shows confidence and stability. Her hand is placed on her thigh whilst holding up her dress at the same time to show her lower thigh.

  • Mid-shot: Shows her body and body language.

  • The colours used are red, yellow and orange: All these colours could be seen to represent fire. This could be in relation to her atttitude, hair style and body language. The chosen colours are also a good match for he tanned skin tone.

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