Thursday 25 February 2010

Article Analysis: Q Magazine

The artist chosen to feature in the magazine article is Cheryl Cole. This suggests that the audience are mainly males aged been 22-44 as this is the target audience for Q magazine. She is young and attractive and will defeintely appeal to the male target audience. The language is quite informal,which means it appeals to a wide range of people. For example, it says " Everything i do is scrutinised, evrything i fucking say". It is unusual to have swearing in a magazine and it is not something you would generally come accross by looking in any type of magazine. But the aim of Q is to be different and edgy. The tone the article gives the reader is kind of friendly. The article begins with them talking about Cheryl's life right away, as i fthe audience was a close friend and knew a lot about her: " Cheryl Cole is sick to death of looking at herself."

The text used is a simple black font. This is unusual for Q magazine, as they are known for being 'Rock-ish' and 'Edgy'. It sticks with the colour theme from the contents page and the front cover, which are red, black and white. It looks sophisticated as well as bold. The images also follow this pattern. Cheryl wears dominantly black, with red lipstick; it's as if she is making a statement. Three full pages are taken up by only images: two of Cheryl Cole, and one of an 'X' which could stand for her role in the X factor. On the first page, there is a large letter 'C' behind the article, on the other two pages about half the page has been taken up by imags also. There is not much text which shows that the magazine focusses on selling the article through images and that they don't do in-depth articles. They keep it short and straight to the point.

Cheryl Cole is presented as being very edgy and like a rock chick. This is different from what the public usually see her as ( a pop princess), it's as if Q is letting us see a different side of her, the new her maybe. She wears all black, but still manages to look cool and diva-ish, which is a hard image to portray. This image gives off the same impression as the front cover which looks very dark in relation to Sin City. The article does require a bit of prior knowledge, but lets us know brief information about her such as that she used to be in a group called Girls Aloud and that her debut single 'Fight For This Love' was the fastest selling song in 2009,h wever it does not give us any background information about her which suggests that the audience already know a bit about her.

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