Sunday 21 February 2010

Contents page analysis

Q Magazine Contents page:
  1. The contents page uses several different images that are arranged on the page in a kind of messy way. But it still looks good. There is a large image on the first page which is on the left hand side, this is a picture of Cheryl Cole which relates to the stories inside the magazine and the front cover. It lets us know that this magazine is focusing on her. There is a montage of several images, which looks cool and egdey; this relates to the kind of message and audience that the magazine is trying to give off and relate to. The colours used are red, black and white which relate to the front cover. The main colours on the cover were red and black as they appear to seem very sinful and bold. From the cover and the contents page, we can tell that red, black and white are the main colour used by Q Magazine. it is organised very well. The different sections focus on different artists, for example there is a section subtitled '50 Cent' and 'John Lennon'. The 'Q' is at the top of the page in a header. It is white against a red background and it really stands out to the audience; it makes a bold statement and it is very dominant on the page.

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