Friday 5 February 2010

Proposal, Questionnaire & Results

The chosen genre of music for my magazine is R&B. It is aimed at mainly females, but could appeal to the male audience as well. It is aimed at ages between 16 and 25. They will be interested in learning about artists that sing and produce this type of music. I think that this type of magazine is needed because there are not many magazines out there that focus on mainly Soul and R&B, rather than hip hop and R&B.

What type of music are you mostly interested in (you may choose more tan one)?
Hip Hop: Gospel: R&B: Rock: Pop: Other:

How often would you like this magazine to be released?
Weekly: Fortnightly: Monthly:

How much would you pay for a magazine?
Up to £2: Up to £3: Up to £4: up to £5:

What kind of freebies would you like to come with a magazine (you may select more than one)?
Posters: CD’s: Stickers: Calendars: Other:

Do you like only well-known artists on the cover of a magazine?
Yes: No:

Do you prefer in depth articles or short ones?
In depth: Short:

Are you interested in the up and coming artists as well as the famous ones?
Yes: No:

What attracts you to a music magazine (you may select more than one)?
Celebrities: Freebies: Special price offer: Exclusive interviews:

Do you currently buy other music magazines?
Yes: No:

If yes, which ones:

This shows that the majority of people do not enjoy reading in depth articles, so the one i make will be quite short and interesting.

Most people would like to receive free CD's with a magazine.

My magazine will feature an up and coming artist, as most of my target audience are interested in up and coming artists as well as famous ones.

The majority are interested in hip hop and R & B. This is good because R&B is the genre of my magazine.

My results show that about 90% of my intended target audience have bought music magazines before, so they know what they want.

Most people prefer to have well known artists on the front cover.

This shows that freebies and celebrity gossip attract young people more to a magazine than interviews and special price offers do.

50% the people would pay up to £2 for a music magazine. 30% would pay up to £3.

The majority woul dlike this magazine to be released fortnightly.

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